Accountless Exchanges

Regular exchanges have 2 big problems:

  • They agressively ask for documents and personal information, which are often leaked on customer data breaches, leading to identity theft.
  • They encourage you to leave your funds in their custody, often charging inflated fees if you want to withdraw to your own wallet.

Accountless exchanges, on the other hand, are much more aligned with crypto values and respectful of your privacy:

  • Most swaps can be done without even creating an account, you just send one coin and receive the other. Documents are only requested in extreme and uncommon cases, when there are signs of suspicious activity.
  • You are encouraged to keep your coins in your own wallets, only sending them the amount you want to trade, and immediately receiving back the proceeds. Transfer fees are kept to a minimum, to ensure attractive quotes.

Choosing a good Accountless Exchange

You should look for those with good reviews on sites like TrustPilot, support for top coins as well as a good variety of smaller caps, and support for many chains allowing you to move assets cheapily. Monero support is also nice to have, as it allows you to make private swaps.

Some of the best ones in the market currently include:

  • FixedFloat: around since 2018, supports the Lightning Network for cheap BTC transfers, Monero.
  • StealthEX: supports 1000+ coins over many chains, Lightning Network for cheap BTC transfers, Monero.
  • supports 4600+ coins over many chains, cross-chain swaps and Monero.